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Focus Assembly Upgrade Accessory - 4 inch model.

Fits any Chinese Laser Machine. Fits Weike, Hurricane Lasers, Boss Laser, Morntech, Beyond Laser, Glory Laser, Golden Laser, and many more.

For American and other Western laser machines - ask about our retrofit kits for Epilog Lasers, Universal Laser Systems, Xenetech Lasers, and more.

One minute installation: First, remove the current focus head assembly by removing the air line and loosening the height adjustment and removing the red dot pointer (if provided). Next, insert the new focus head shaft, insert the air tube into the quick connect, and screw in the red dot pointer bracket (if provided)

Product Contents:
(1) Quantity one, laser focus head upgrade accessory;
(2) quantity one, focus lens 1.5 inch;
(3) quantity one, lens adjustment tool;
(4) Printed Instructions

Focus Assembly Upgrade Accessory - 4 in. model. Unbelievably straight cuts!




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Extra Information

Features and Advantages

Get Quality in a New Dimension with a state-of-the-art laser cutting/engraving head upgrade accessory for your Laser Engraver/Cutting Machine. Laser Cut wood/plastics at a faster rate (sonic velocity air exits nozzle with laser beam). Less burn back in your laser cut parts, otherwise stated, reduced Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). New capability to fine tune your laser cut: Adjust nozzle standoff from material while maintaining the same focal distance (improves air flow). Permits focusing at top, middle, and bottom of material.



Industry Leaders recommending Laser Nozzles

Click here for Synrad (metal tube laser manufacturer) to see their recommendations for nozzle air/gas pressure to make the best possible laser cuts.


Click here to read "The Fabricator".  These techniques apply to nonmetals cutting, even though the target audience cuts metals.  Read: "Setup time for a laser can be lengthy when preparing to cut unfamiliar materials. Nozzle size, power, optical focal length, assist gas, gas pressure, speed, and focal length can all influence the process. These parameters are so important to the process that if they are not set correctly, the material cannot be cut."


Market Leaders identify Laser Nozzles for Higher Quality

Click here for Vytek laser website says (photo included)  "FX3 Standard Features:  The FX3 system includes our full function cutting and engraving head. This unique assembly allows use of a gas assist delivery nozzle and the choice of focal length optics from 1.5" to 7.5" while still allowing for independent adjustment of the nozzle length as well as centering of the optic within the nozzle orifice. This feature allows the operator to maintain the ideal adjustments for just about any cutting or engraving application."


Click here to see the Trotec standard nozzle and focus lens recommendations for acrylic cutting.


Click here to read about Epilog laser engraver/cutter owners discussing the use of their Epilog cone device.


Click here and search "cone" to see the 2 inch and the 4 inch cone offered by Epilog Laser as an optional product.


Click here to see a video of a competitive nozzle installed on an Epilog Laser machine.  

Click here for a second competitive supplier video.


Click here to see a Trotec laser engraver owner using the nozzle for a highly detailed wood engraving.


Click here to see a super speed Universal Laser with a cone engraving in a competition against a Trotec laser with a cone (nozzle), and witness the cleanliness of the engrave.


Click here for article on Laser cutting of different polymeric plastics (PE, PP and PC) by a CO 2 laser beam.   The authors say, "In the nozzle employed for cutting plastics, the gas jet orifice has a 0.8 mm diameter. Its function is to discharge gas coaxially to the laser beam. The extremely small size of the orifice ensures a thin, punctiform and efficacious jet of gas that makes it possible to obtain the narrowest possible kerf width and, simultaneously, high operating speed thanks to the rapid removal of the molten material. The nozzle–sample distance was fixed at 1 mm, because at this distance it is possible to obtain an optimum gas jet convergence and pressure in the cutting channel."



Impractical for smaller machine laser engraving and cutting, however, the physics of laser cutting flow dynamics can be carried over from metals to plastics. In other words, failures in nice cuts on plastics can turn in to successes with the right nozzle and air pressure.  See these metal cutter industry leaders with their automatic nozzle changers.


Additional Information


Click for whiteboard presentation named Chinese laser focus assembly different CO2 laser focal length optics


Click for Synrad's "How to choose the right lens focal length for your application.

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