L a s e r R e p a i r | U p g r a d e s | A c c e s s o r i e s
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2 1/2 inch focus chart CO2 laser focus lens for Trotec Speedy 300The 2.5 inch focal length lens is broadly used on CO2 laser engraving and cutting jobs for its versatility in handling most laser processing jobs. |
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Trotec Speedy 400 is well suited for the 2.5 inch lensThe larger Trotec Speedy 400 users buy the 2.5 inch lens holder combination for their laser cutting needs, and use it for its versatility for CO2 laser engraving. |
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Silver is selected by Trotec Laser to identify the 2.5 inch focal length lensThe zinc selenide optical material used in the premium laser lens has a lighter color than the more orange color of the medium grade lens. |
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2.5 inch aluminum holders for Trotec Speedy lasers are lightweight and stiffThe focus assembly in the Trotec cutting machines supports the focus lens holder and withstands great heat while laser processing. |
Like a common drill bit set, the focus lens set supports its electric tool.Nowadays, more operators of Trotec Laser Gmbh systems own a complete set of focus lenses, matching the proper focal length for the laser job requirements. |
Trotec Speedy 300 users purchase the 2.5 inch lens for cuttingA common reason for purchasing the 2.5 inch focal length lens is to attain straighter cuts on thicker materials when laser processing. |
A toolbox contains many tools, as does a Trotec LaserUse the best tools for the job, by quickly changing out lenses so that your Trotec Laser is utilized to full capability to provide the best results and make you the most money as buyers keep coming back. |
New Technology Offering:
Special use cutting lens.
Great for straighter cut sides, vertical walls.
Gallium Arsenide Lens oriented to cut.
Fits Trotec Speedy 300/360/400 laser machines.
Regular Price: $265.00
Sale Price: $183.95
Order Now!
The premium quality 2 1/2" focal length lens for Trotec Speedy machines is a good, multi-purpose engraving and cutting lens. It provides good quality engraving over very large areas, with minimal change in engraving dot sizes. In other words, the variation in height fluctuations of materials and the machine's table, over larger areas is offset by using this lens. The same is true for cutting as well. And, certainly it can be used for any size job whether small or large.
2 1/2" Focus Lens with holder for Trotec Laser Engraving machines. Features premium grade focus lens.
Low price, good quality. Why pay excessive prices? High quality machined aluminum base. Premium grade lens. Save a bundle.
Fits any Trotec CO2 Laser Engraver including Trotec Trotec Speedy 300, Trotec Speedy 400, Trotec Speedy 360, and Rayjet 300. Add a quality lens to your Trotec Laser Engraver today.
Features the premium grade focus lens. Great for most laser engraving work. See our other listings for the premium grade focus lens with holders.
Includes both the silver anodized lens holder with lens attached.
OPTIONAL: Nozzles with three sizes of holes so that you can choose the best air stream for the best quality. Easy to change nozzles, great for higher quality. After you vary the nozzles you will quickly learn which colored nozzle to choose for the material/job at hand.
Fast installation. Simply remove the old lens/holder and insert this lens/holder. Nothing could be faster!
LaserUser.com author/publisher Gareth Lewis said, "[Regarding the] Cutting Lens...The best solution for this lens is a 63.5mm GaAs Plano Convex Flat DOWN. The reason for using this lens is that based on the Data from the “Cutting Performance of Different Lenses at their Measured Depth Intensity Focal Point” table, this is the best cutting performance available. In addition, it focuses at the manufacturers specified focal position of 63.5mm
A useful asset.